Dave's original crampons ended up at the factory after a more than "full use"imo and were replaced. Although I would have assumedby the conditon and the climbs they had been up that Dave had simply worn the G20s out. Nothing lasts forever at teh high end of this sport. Although Dave's G20s are certainly trying!

Dave's original crampon is on top here. Grivel didn't simply dismiss the failure of what I figured was simply a worn out crampon but spent some time and energy to find out why the connecting bar eventually failed and how to fix the problem so it would neverhappen again.
Contrast that to a year long debacle of broken crampons over at BD. Grivel not only recognised there was a problem but engineered a fix in less than 5 months. Something to think about next time you need new gear. I know it turns my head. Click on both pictures to get a better idea of what went into thefull story here.

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