We've been staying so busy, I'm exhausted from it. It's the good kind of tired to be sure. But my body is sure protesting all of the activity. Today we started the day with pickleball and ended it with pickleball. We are all training for the tournament this weekend so we are playing hard.
I like pickleball. Sometimes it gets a bit intense though. Playing with men adds another dimension of intensity for me. I forever feel the pressure to step up my game to hold my own with them. Since we have been to this park, the ladies have been getting up early so we can meet at the court before the guys get there. There is just something so wonderful about getting in that one or two games with just us girls. It's been a real treat for me.
In between all of the pickleball today, Diana and I had a little ladies fun doing some line dancing. Technically there was one guy there too, but just the fact she and I got to go together made it girl fun for us.

The lovely Miss Faye and Margie both taught. They both did a great job. We had fun. My calves now officially hate me for it. But we had fun.

For years and years now my life has revolved around my family. I've enjoyed it and don't regret it. Until the past year though, I'd forgotten how wonderful it is to spend time with women like this. Diana and I were trying to recall the last time we did things with just women, meaning just for fun time with them. High School was the last time I could remember. And as I recall, it was pretty wonderful back then, even with the immaturity and pettiness that goes along with a group of young girls. I've missed it.

So I guess it just feels like a homecoming of sorts to find a place for it in my life again. For all the tons and tons and tons of advice I've been given over the years in regards to being a wife and mother, I wish someone had also told me "spend time in the company of women"..."without the focus being husbands or children"...."in fact, sometimes make sure you spend time with women and never, ever talk about the husbands and children". I think it would have done my spirit a lot of good.
So glad I do have it now. Living the life this week in the company of lovely ladies in Virginia!
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