We were on the train with Engine 110, a 2-6-6-2T articulated Mallet that was built by The Baldwin Locomotive Works in 1928 for the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company of Vail, WA. It is the only 2-6-6-2T Mallet in service in the world.

and we're off!

There are 18 crossings along the route. The trip is just under and hour.

The scenery is beautful framed by the stained glass.

We arrive in Keystone

The Engine disconnects so it can be refilled with water.

Itthen backs up via an adjoining track to hook onto the back of the cars for thereturn trip.

Main Street, Keystone

We have about 3 hours to kill before the return trip. Good thing we have free passes to the Rushmore Borglum Story museum. It is full of interesting facts about the sculpture and many of his models of what Rushmore was originally supposed to be like. The large plaster casting of his famous sculpture of Lincoln sitting at a bench and many other sculptures and artwork. Very informative.

Well used our 1/2 off coupons at Teddy's Deli for lunch, did the shops and then it was time to head back.
Stopped in Hill City to try and find some dessert but nothing appealed to Gary except the Kid's Menu at the Bumpin Buffalo

We decide to head back to Custer and try the Purple Pie Place next door to the Motel. We run into road work on the way back - this place has a sense of humor - last week the sign said "Road Work Complaint Department Inside" We probably had time to go in and have a drink while we waited for our side to go.

We make it back to Custer and the Purple Pie Place just before the rain hits. Gary had a sandwich and Apple Pie ala mode - I had Macaroni and Cheese and Bumbleberry Pie ala mode - Yummy! Only a couple dozen more pies to try!
Till Later!
Meanwhile, we keep on Trek'nMelissa and Gary
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