"It's a softie!" I told them. I explained about the Month of Softies group craft project I'd read about on the blog Small Hands.

I just love the lopsided ears. "He's not supposed to have a tail," Cute Niece informed me.
Myself, I follow a predictable pattern when it comes to sewing projects:
1) I get excited about an idea for something.
2) I read several books about it.
3) I buy more supplies than I will ever need or use.
4) I take an overly long time making just one.
5) I never make it again.
Edited to add:
My sister called.
"I can't believe you forgot."
"Forgot what?"
"That your Cute Niece actually designed a three-legged dog. Named Tripod. You didn't mention that part. But you can see it in the picture if you know what you're looking for."
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