The Presideing Officers were
President Henry Phend.
Vice President Reuben Pletcher
Sec. & Treas. Cecil Phend.
The day was a nice sunshine day. The noonday Prayer was offered by Reuben Pletcher. Then we all enjoyed a good dinner, after which the buissness meeting was called to order by the President Henry Phend.
A song was sung by the group. The Sec Report was read and Approved. Offisers elected for following year were.
Pres. Henry Phend.
Vice Pres. Will Phend.
Sect. & Treas. Reuben Pletcher
Enterainment committee Chairman Evelyn Werely Bechtol
Death Report.
John Earnest - Elkhart
Sam Rinkenberger - North Webster
James Shaw - Elkhart
[page 2]
The History of the Phend & Fisher families was given by Fred Earnest giving a compleat History traced back to Switzerland.
A Special talk was given by Henry Phend.
It was moved and second that we have the Reunion at the same place next year on the last Sunday of Aug.
Treasure report.
Expence cards 1.60
Parks Building 2.50
Bal. In treasure 2.17
Collection 3.93
[balance] $6.10
[expenses] 4.10
Bal on hand. $2.00
Closing song God be with you till we meet again.
Reuben Pletcher Sec & treas

John Ernest died March 12, 1935. He was the husband of Sophia Phend Ernest.
I do not yet have a date of death for Sam Ringgenberg/Rinkenberger (son of Christian and Caroline Fisher Ringgenberg).
James Shaw died July 1, 1935. He was the husband of Sophia Ringgenberg Shaw (sister of Sam Ringgenberg).
The Phend-Fisher families gathered for a reunion in Northern Indiana almost annually from 1909 until 1943. The events of the day were recorded in an old ledger book. Spelling has been retained as it was in the original though some punctuation and paragraph breaks have been added. To view all articles in this series click on the "Phend-Fisher Reunion Ledger" label at the bottom of this post.
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