Powhatan Indian Village
From the website: Explore the Powhatan way of life in a re-created village featuring reed-covered houses, crops and a ceremonial circle of carved wooden posts. Learn about the world of Pocahontas, daughter of Powhatan, powerful leader of 30-some Algonquian-speaking tribes in coastal Virginia.
The Powhatan Indian village isbased on archaeological findings at a site once inhabited by Paspahegh Indians, the Powhatan tribal group closest to Jamestown, and descriptions recorded by English colonists.
Historical interpreters discuss and demonstrate the Powhatan way of life. They grow and prepare food, process animal hides, make tools and pottery, and weave natural fibers into cordage. Try your hand at grinding corn, gardening or playing a game of corncob darts.
This part of the settlement was very interesting. It was comical when we stepped inside their dwellings, because our reaction was "oh wow, this is so roomy...I could live in one of these!" I'm pretty sure we would not have thought that before living in an RV.

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