Monday, April 15, 2013

Roswell - are there Aliens among us?

We arrive in Roswell and go to the Visitor's Center andget great guidance from Alien Bob

He sends us to the best place in town to uncover the Roswell Mystery

It all began July 4, 1947 when a rancher 75 miles NW of Roswell heard a loud noise different from the thunder. 2 nuns at St. Mary's Hospital saw what they believed was an airplane crash. The next day the rancher found debris scattered in the area of 3 football fields wide and 3/4 mile long. He picked up some of it and took it to town to the Sheriff.

An Air force Intelligence agent goes to the site to investigate and finds pieces of metal like tinfoil that when crushed, folded or scratched returns to it's original form unscathed. He takes some of thedebris to a General and spreads it out on the floor. The general sends the agent out of the room for something and when he returns the debris has been replaced by weather balloon debris and he is advised not to speak of it.

The rancher is "inspired"by the military to change his story to finding a crashed weather balloon.

The local coroner gets a call from the RAAFto see how many child size caskets he has in stock. When he goes to the Hospital with an injured soldier he runs into a nurse friendwho tells him to get out of there immediately and he is escorted out by the military. He later secretly meets the nurse who says she was present for the autopsy of an alien recovered from the crash site. She was transferred the next day to England and was declared dead shortly thereafter by the military.

Excerpts from Top Secret Government Documents.

But what I found most interesting was material on Crop Circles

This fractal crop circle manifested itself in 2 hours in broad daylight next to Europe's tallest man made mound. Another appeared in 15 minutes next to Stonehenge in front of thousands oftourists and yet no one saw it manifest itself it just appeared. The grass is not just matted down it's chemical composition is altered as well.Doo do Doo do

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