We were so excited to settle into one of our favorite places to land, and catch up with the local crowd here. I have said before how much the people here make this place so great. They are seriously the most friendly crowd of any of the parks.
We played some pickleball with them. We signed up for the (Ken and Faye's) Labor Day pickleball tournament. Then we headed to bed. A few hours later, I woke up in intense pain. I was sitting in the living room doubled over and only a few choice words kept rolling through my brain. By the time Nathan got up to check on me, I told him I think we need to get to the hospital.
We get to the hospital where it seems they have an unusually busy night. I was having so much pain that I wasn't helpful in telling them where it hurt. So it took them some time to narrow down what exactly was wrong. Early in the morning they said they could tell the gallbladder was enlarged and there was water around it. They thought it needed to come out.
Long story short, at 8 am the next day I had my gallbladder removed. It was infected and had needed to come out. This is not a trip I wanted to take at all. The upside to this trip was I couldn't imagine a better place to have this surgery done. The entire staff that we encountered was top notch. I have never had a staff be more interactive with us, explaining each and every step of the way what was going on. This is by far the best experience I have ever had in a hospital.
The funny part of this story: I realized the next day that I came in wearing my PJ's. I am guessing I was in a LOT of pain for this to happen because I don't think I've ever left my house in my PJ's. Well, not entirely true. I used to wear my PJ bottoms to pickleball. I will probably still wear my PJ bottoms to pickleball but I can't recall ever wearing the top out and about.
I am grateful to be not working so I can fully rest. Mom gave me a gracious gift towards my scrapbooking fun, so I will rest while doing something I love. Right now I'm very, very sore and very, very tired. I think surgeries are like having babies, they are probably easiest on the body when you are young and bounce back quicker. Sadly with surgery stuff, you tend to have more of them when older and not the other way around. Here's to hoping this is the last surgery I have for a long, long time.
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