I purchased a postcard at the gift shop that I still have posted on the bulletin board next to my computer. It included a few words written by Ann Zwinger ". . . even in winter there is the promise of spring. . . The white of snow becomes the white of summer clouds. . . part of each season is contained in every other."
Anyone care to venture a guess as to where this picture was taken? A little hint, western United States ;-)
Update May 21, .. 11:00 a.m
Craig Manson of Geneablogie fame has correctly identified the above scene as the Great Sand Dunes National Park & Preserve. Located in the southwest corner of Colorado, it is an amazing area. It's on my list of places to visit, again. Someday.
Some incredibly nice photographs:
Children's artwork inspired by the dunes:
Links to more photographs:
There are a lot of other nice websites, just do a search for Great Sand Dunes...
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