While editing pictures today, I was preparing some of them for digital scrapbooking pages. I cracked up at some of them of Nathan and Austin. Every year I like to get a picture of the birthday person and the rest of the family. My family is a bunch of nuts though. What starts out as "Awwww" moments, normally turns into silliness within about five seconds. I've learned to snap pictures really fast. Remember Christmas? Yeah, that.
Here is the birthday version:

I can't help but ponder the difference between male and females here. I mean, I can't recall one time...EVER...that I had the thought to grab my Mom and see if I can lift her off the ground. I have wanted to do a makeover or two on her when I was younger and learning hair and makeup myself. I've wanted to play Scrabble with her to see if I can beat her. I think making Christmas goodies with her is a blast. I have even had the thought that it would be great fun to sing karaoke with her sometime. But pick her up? Uh...no.
It is impressive that he can lift Nathan though, isn't it? I mean, just because I have no desire to do it myself, doesn't mean I can't admire it as I'm watching it.
Living the life in Virginia!
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