But every once in awhile it is a good thing that I'm a picture freak. For instance, I have been known to be so engrossed in grabbing a great shot that I don't react like I normally would. That can be a great thing. Like when this guyslitheredright in front of me.

I was so excited that he was right there, so close that I could get a great shot...that I forgot to be scared that a creepy crawler was practically within reach of me. Instead I was screeching, oh my goodness...I can't believe I had the camera out for this!!!!

In the back of my mind I had the thought...I bet I freak out over this later. But I didn't. Even now, when seeing the pictures I am just thrilled I got the shot.
So see kids, I'd be even more neurotic if I didn't take pictures all the time! There is definitely a bright side to this obsession of mine!
Living the life in sunny Florida!
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