I do havesome additional long term ski boot reviews in the pipeline but here is aninterestingobservation from this week that kinda surprised me. Although I have both boots in the closet and have skied the ONE a bunch the thought never occurred to me to make a comparison.
Big Steve and Marshal over at TGRwere the first I saw to bring up the likely comparison. Took me a week to have that AHA moment. One of the reasons TGR is a good place to hang.
A better comparison maybe? And a good place to start for a franken-boot project for those inclined and wanting to save some money? Likely!
A better comparison now with the current boots available instead of the TLT5 and 6 IMO is the TLT6 and the ONE PF-TX. Just 5.5oz/156g between the two boots, and either $100 or $300 less in cash. $650 retail for the One PF-TX (but seemingly easy to be had for $550 online) compared to new TLT6 Mtn @ $750 or the P @ $950.
The ONE is a lot more real ski boot than the 5.5 ounce weight gain would appear to be over the TLT Mountain.
It has been gnawing at me for a week or so. I seem to remember Lou over at Wild Snow or one of his members "asking" for a TLT ONE at some point in the recent past. Without a doubt imo that is exactly want the TLT6 is now.
Not sure what the weight is of the third buckle @ the toe andthe two added Pbax straps are for the ONE. The liners are off by one ounce. Add the spoiler, bigger power strap, added weight of the deeper tread and heavier lugs of the sole rubberand extra sole length of the ONE and the grams and then ounces add up quickly.
Performance wise I don't see a huge difference in either boot, except for skinning. There the advantage of a shorter sole/backed up tech fitting and more/easier ROM will help but also easier to go down a shell size in the ONE. (which Lou already thinks he can do in the TLT6) And ROM can be added easily enough or loosened up any way. I take a 29 TLT and use every bit of the length. Ieasily wear/ski a 28 ONE. And save3mm smaller BSL. Guess I'll also need to look into a 28 TLT myself. The tech fitting placement in the toe between th TLT and the ONE is the one of the few places I don't see a way to fudge the performance.
Sometimes it is easier to just ignore the obvious in front of your eyes. As I have clunked around in my TLT6s here at the house sorting out my liner fit I kept having the nagging feeling I was in just another ski boot. My most recent "ski boots" are the ONE and the RS. And now that feeling makes more sense to me. Taking a closer look at the TLT6 and the ONE side by side and looking down at either while they are on your feet and the resemblance is uncanny. Looks to me like Dynafit shot themselves in the foot here.
More details to come asap. But anyone doubt how easy it would be to chop 200+ grams off a ONE or Mercury shell and get under the factory TLT6 shell weight and equal or better the skiing of a TLT6?
Anyone done it yet? Details?
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