I had a little bit of time with my lovely nieces. They are two of the cutest girls ever and they are just cool kids to boot. Abbey is getting more grown up each time we see her. She is getting ready to enter that pre-teen stage. For now, she still seems to have a bit of the I'm happy being a little girl left in her. She drew me some pictures and showed me her talent there. She also loves animals. She is a sweetheart.

Mikaylah is the one who came and spent time with us in Arizona. She is much quieter when everyone else is around, which is too bad because she is an absolute hoot when she does talk. She is stunning with her beauty, both inside and out. She's really creative. She's smart as a whip. She loves crafts like me. And she is a sweetheart too.

They are typical sisters meaning they love each other and they fight like sisters who love each other.

One thing I did not like about this visit with the girls-Miss Abbey is almost as tall as me. How this is possible, I have no idea. I think she is going to be a tall one like Lauren, Auburn and Ambir.

Maybe Mikaylah will stay short like Ashleigh and I. Either way, they are gorgeous girlies and I love my time with them.
Living the life in Virginia!
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