Appointment of Administrators of the estate of John Rupart. Packet 1439. Family History Library microfilm 2032592.
State of Ohio
Columbiana County
Before me Michael Arter a Justice of the peace in and for said county personally came Philip Andrew Peter Guisinger David Wiley appraisers of the estate of John Rupert late of Hanover Township in said county deceased and were sworn well and truly to apprais all the goods and Chattles of said estate which shall be presented to them for appraisement, and also to set off to the widow of said deceased such possessions or other property as they shall think reasonable for the support of herself and children twelve months from the time of the death of the said deceased.
Given under my hand this 3d day of September 1831
Michael Arter Justice of the peace

Inventory of the estate of John Rupart. Packet 1439.
“A true and accurate inventory of the goods and chattels of the estate of John Rupert late of Hanover township, deceased presented to us the undersigned appraisers of said estate, by Conrad Yarien & David Ehrhart, executors thereof, the 3d day of September 1831.”
one man's saddle - - 1.00 one wheel & Reel - - 2.50 one churn - - 1.00 one shovel, axe, &c. - - 2.00 one [?] kettle [?] - - 1.50 a lot of chissels - - 0.25 a lot of Iron, &c. - - 0.75 one hammer, anvil, &c. - - 0.50 one Kettle - - 1.50 one Scythe - - 0.37 ½ one Salt barrel - - 1.25 a lot of tubs and barrels - - 1.50 a lot of Tubs - - 0.75 a lot of Cradles [?] - - 0.75 A lot of Tubs - - 0.12 ½ A lot of Corn - - 0.25 One heiffer - - 6.00 one windmill - - 5.00 one dunghook & pitchfork - - 0.37 one Salt barrel - - 0.12 ½ A lot of wheat – 10.00 a lot of rye - - 3.25 A lot of oats – - 2.25 A quantity of Hay - - 4.00 Shovel & tongs - - 0.50 Two pot racks - - 1.50 one clock - - 2.50 one Cooking glass - - 0.50 a pair of Cards [?] - - 0.25 one chest - - 1.00 one table - - 1.00 a pair of irons - - 0.50 one bed - - 4.00 | Dresser ware - - 4.00 one iron pot, $c. - - 2.50 Pewter ware - - 3.00 4 Chairs - - 0.50 one Cow bell - - 0.75 A quantity of Rye - - 2.50 a tub of wheat - - 2.00 2 barrels - - 0.25 7 bags - - 2.00 Corn in the ground - - 5.00 Cow Chains - - 1.00 Half bushel, &c &c - - 1.37 ½ A ½ pair of Steelyards - - 0.75 one griddle - - 1.00 one adze and basket - - 0.50 one spinning wheel - - 1.00 one trunk - - 0.16 ¼ one Rig [?] - - 0.50 one hackle - - 1.00 Cash on hand - - 12.12 ½ Philip Andrew David Wiley Peter Guisinger |
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