The team here at jjobrienclimbingare currently out of the country on a non-climbing holiday.Here's a post I phoned in from Bali. Someselected scenes from the Qld Lead Comp
Meanwhile climbers,if you need more style updates,I've been guest blogging over at

An honor and an awesome responsibility, they havecatwalks of followers and a good post will push the google servers into the red.
Qld Lead Comp 
Who else found themselves getting all inexplicably nervous?A few quick asanas tosooth the jitters.
That would be me in the qualifiers.

There's room on the route for a Rastaman. Liam keeps the vibrations good. Haile man!

Climbing was not compulsory on the night. Elise came along to keep the vibe up.

The dynamic
Team Cujes in
"Boulders and Nuts" gear from upskillclimbinggear.comLee and Sam Cujes have recently launched their slick newonline store with some fresh ideas about hardware and clothing. I still can't believe how cheap those Climbtech ascenders are!And the girls tell me the Boulders and Nuts halters are excellent quality.

Lee in the open finals. Something about you have to clip the draw from the black"X" and no higher.
Where I come from you clip if you can, you go if you can't. Rules! What are they good for...
Post comp noodle box - Eddie, Kaylee, Joe, and I forgot...Kaylee sports a kooky coolowl bag she bought at the South Bank market.

Loesje Fletcher,looking supercool under pressure,uses unfair advantage with Red Chili Caronas.
Guaranteed to win any comp, if the judges know anything about style.

Nate, my preciousblogstar, you know you are just here to push up my blog stats. Even the super styled
Elie Moubarakcouldn't bump you off the popular post top spot.
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