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Merrit Foote by his Atty Benjamin Bartholomew
To } Deed
Jonas Joshin
This Indenture made and concluded this twentieth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen by and between Benjamin Bartholomew of Delaware County in the state of Ohio as attorney in fact for Merrit Foote of the County of Newhaven in the State of Connecticut of the [other is crossed out] first part and Jonas Joshin of said Delaware County in the state of Ohio of the other part. Witneseth that the said Benjamin Bartholomew for and in consideration of the sum of one thousand & fifty dollars and to him in had paid or secured to be paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath given granted bargained sold released conveyed and confirmed and by these presents give grant bargain sell release convey and confirm unto the said Jonas Joshin and unto his heirs and assigns forever a Lot of land viz lot number sixteen in the east tier of lots in the fourth section of the third township in the nineteenth range of the united States military lands and within the said county of Delaware and being a log of land purchased by the said Merrit Foots of Ralph Richardson & Dorcas his wife by a deed dated 6 day of October 1817 and supposed to contain one hundred acres more or less To have and to hold the above described premises with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining unto him the said Jonas Joshin for and unto his heirs and assigns forever And the said Benjamin as S P atty

as attorney as aforesaid for the said Merrit his heirs executors and administrators does convenant and promise to word with the said Jonas Joshin his heirs and assigns that he is lawfully seized of the premises aforesaid that he has foresight and full authority to sell and convey the same in manner aforesaid and that the said premises are free and clear from all incumbrances And further that he the said Benjamin as attorney afforesaid of the said Merrit Foote his heirs executors and administrators will well warrant and truly defend the premises aforesaid unto the said Jonas Joshin and unto his heirs and assigns forever against the lawful claims of any person or persons whomsoever. In testimony whereof the party [of crossed out] to the first part has hereunto set his hand and seal this day and year above written
Signed sealed and delivered in presence of
Benjamin Bartholomew attorney in fact for the said Merrit Foote
{The word convey between the 7th & 8th line from top and the word his between the 11th, 12th and between the 14th and 15th lines were inserted before the signing}
Noah Spalding
Ebenezer Goodrich
The State of Ohio Delaware County
On this day of October 1818 personally came before me the [word illegible] one of the Justus of the peace of said County Benjamin Bartholomew and acknowledged that he signed the within deed for the purposes therein mentioned Given under my hand & seal
John Roberts {seal}
a Justice of the Peace
Received & recorded this deed April 1st 1819
J. L. Hughs. [?] Recorder D. Cty

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