When Austin was about three years old, he was obsessed with Harley's. He could tell if there was a Harley around long before he could even see them. Meaning, he knew one by the sound alone. We'd be driving on the interstate and hear the roar of a bike coming up behind us and he'd shout out, That's a Harley! And he was always correct in his guess. I was, and still am, so impressed by that. The boy has good taste.

Imagine our surprise to land in Myrtle Beach and realize we coordinated our trip with Bike Week/Harley Davidson Bike Week. This has added such a fun dimension to our visit here. They are in the campground we are staying at. They are at the places we stop to visit. And they are on the road whenever we drive.

There is a Harley Davidson dealership right up the road, and each day we've passed by there are tons of bikes there to drool over.

We are in Hog Heaven! Can I show you my favorite?

I had no idea they made pink helmets. That is gonna be me someday, mark my words!
Living the life where we dream to be bikers in NC!
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